31 Mar 2017

Newsletter 26/2016-17

Quarry Bay School’s latest newsletter is available to read now. Find out the latest news around the school and upcoming events.

 Principal’s Comments
 Message from the PTA Chairman
 2017-2018 School Bus Service – Application
 The 3rd International Zhou Youguang Cup Chinese Talent Show
 Private Clubs and ESF Ed Services
 ESF Sports and Language Spring Camps
 PTA News

Principal’s Comments

Key dates for Week 1 of Term 3

  • Tuesday the 18th of April
    • Start Term 3 (All students in school)
    • Year 2 Animal Talk
    • Year 4 Drum Jam
  • Wednesday the 19th of April – Year 5 Hong Kong History Museum Visit
  • Thursday the 20th of April – Year 4 Taster Day

It has been a busy finish to a successful term at QBS. A highlight of the week was the QBS Exhibition on Thursday. The Year 6 students were outstanding during the Exhibition event and shared their learning with passion, creativity and depth. We were so pleased to welcome many parents and visitors to this important learning event. It was a proud moment for staff working with the students. Well done to all involved.

Please click here to view the QBS/ESF 2017/2018 calendar.

Being part of your child’s learning life at QBS is a privilege for me and I look forward to seeing the students after a two week rest. Term 3 resumes on Tuesday the 18th of April. Enjoy the holiday break with your family and have a very Happy Easter.


Message from the PTA Chairman

We love to encourage our children to read and we would like to thank all families that supported the QBS PTA Readathon which coincided with Book Week. We are pleased to announce it raised over $148,000 and saw a total of ​1709 hours of reading completed by the children.

On a different note it is with sadness that we have to inform you that Dorothy Ho, the PTA bus co-ordinator, has left her role to pursue other endeavours. Dorothy dedicated 13 years of service to the PTA office and is a familiar face to many around school. We would like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank Dorothy for all her hard work and wish her all the best for the future.

2017-2018 School Bus Service – Application

School Bus Application forms have been distributed to all students in Years 1 to 5 today (Friday, 31st March 2017) for the upcoming academic year.

Please find the important bus documents for your reference (please click on the document to download):

Due to some bus routes running at full capacity all bus applications will be treated on a first-come/first-serve basis, with priority offered to full route subscribers.

Please complete and submit your applications on or before deadline on 21st April 2017 to the PTA Office, No.6 Hau Yuen Path, Braemar Hill, North Point, Hong Kong.

For further queries please do note hesitate to contact the PTA on 28871004 or pta@qbs.edu.hk.

The 3rd International Zhou Youguang Cup Chinese Talent Show ( Hong Kong), 2017

To better promote Chinese culture and to strengthen Chinese education amongst Hong Kong’s youngsters, we are going to hold Zhou Youguang Cup Chinese Talent Show in June, at Kennedy School.

We also aim to use this event to showcase young Chinese learners’ talent and to offer them a platform for communication. This year’s event will be very special as it coincides with the 50th anniversary of ESF. Here are some basic information of the Chinese Talent Show:

Participants: Students of 4-18 ages old, in kindergarten, primary or secondary schools

Competiton dates: 17-18 / 06 / 2017

Venue: Kennedy School, 19 Sha Wan Drive, Pokfulam, Hong Kong.

Competition groups:

  • Chinese Native Speakers – both parents are of Chinese origin, and using Chinese as her/his first language
  • Non Chinese Native Speakers – with one or two non-background parents, or using other languages as first language despite the fact that parents are of Chinese origin.

Use of Language:

Putonghua is the only accepted language in speech items. Both simplified and traditional Chinese characters are accepted in writing items.

Key Regulations:

  • Every participant should select competition items matching their competition group and year level.
  • Every native speaker of Chinese can choose no more than three competition items that match their age group;
  • Lower primary (Year 1 – Year3) non-native speakers of Chinese can choose no more than two competition items. Upper primary (Year 4 -Year 6) and secondary non-native speakers of Chinese can choose no more than three items.


  • Any participants whose total score from three competition items is the highest will be awarded the title of “champion” (kindergarten and lower primary non-native students only need to have the highest total from two competition items).
  • Champions will get a certificate of award and a special cup; they will also be qualified to enter the national final.
  • Each item from each group will have one first prize, one second prize and one third prize (a certificate will be awarded); additionally, there will be several awards of excellence (a certificate will be given to the winners).
  • One or two extraordinary participants from this year’s event will be chosen to be the “Chinese Culture Ambassador”; they will become the image ambassador showing up on Hong Kong region’s poster for the year.

Please click here for detailed information.

Registration Period: From now on till May the 24th

Registration Methods and Payment:

  • Online Registration: Please register at http://www.apclta.org. Registration fees can go directly to HSBC (004) 450-4-046709. Please email the receipt with student’s name and competition items to zhouyouguang2017@kennedy.edu.hk as the evidence for successful registration.
  • Mailing: Please download registration form for Chinese Native Speakers or Non-Chinese Native Speakers; Post it with crossed cheque to Miss Feiying Li, Kennedy School, 19 Sha Wan Drive, Pokfulam, Hong Kong. (Cash is not acceptable) (Please indicate “2017 Zhou Youguang Cup” on the envelope). The cheque is made payable to: HONG KONG ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF PINYIN QUALITY EDUCATION (PYQE).

For enquiry, Please contact Miss Li at 3762 2548.

Private Clubs and ESF Ed Services

The Term 3 Private Clubs and ESF Ed Services are now taking enrolments.

If you are interested in signing up your children please contact the club leaders directly.

The clubs banner are on our school website (Home>Life at QBS>Clubs)

These are the clubs available.

  • Move for Life info@moveforlife.asia
  • ESF ED Services-sports@esf.org.hk
  • Primary Matters- primarymattershk@gmail.com
  • Creative Problem Solving/Envirnmomnetal Club – tonycann2015@gmail.com
  • Bricks for Kidz-heytontze@gmail.com
  • Show De Bola Soccer- Talentsportshk@gmail.com
  • Starlit Voice-wendy.warren@starlit.hk
  • Foundation Filmaker Academy-emily.au@foundationge.com
  • Activekids-Elsie@activekidshk.com
  • Paper Flower/Knitting- Husain.ahmad1935@gmail.com
  • ChessKids-hkgoclub@yahoo.com.hk

ESF Sports and Language Spring Camps

PTA News

Upcoming PTA Events

Term 3

  • Spring Disco (Years 1-4): 27th April 2017
  • New Year 1 Student – Induction Day: 2nd June, 2017

“Readathon 2017” – a Reading Marathon!

Thank you to all our student participants, and the support from parents and teachers, and the sponsors sponsoring and encouraging the “students love of reading” !

PTA Shop

Summer Uniform Available

  • Summer uniform will be available for purchase now.
  • Updated order forms are posted onto the website.
  • Pre-Orders are welcome (you will be notified when your orders are ready for collection).

School Buses

Term 3 After School Activities

You are requested to inform the PTA on pta@qbs.edu.hk for any change in your child’s travel plan due to after school activities. In your communication please state your child’s full name, class number, bus number and the activity they are registered to attend.

Feedback or Suggestions

If you have any feedback, or suggestions you would like to make for our events or services provided, please email them directly to: ptasuggestions@qbs.edu.hk. Your email will be received directly by our Chairman, who will reply to you at the earliest available moment.


We request all parents to support a greener environment by BYOB “bring your own bag” when you come to purchase items from the shop.

[With immediate effect the PTA Shop will no longer provide any shopping bags].

Please contact us on 2566 4242 (ask to transfer to PTA), or 2887 1004 for further queries, or by email to pta@qbs.edu.hk, during operation hours.

“Click here for PTA Office and Shop Operation”