Newsletter 34/2016-17
Quarry Bay School’s latest newsletter is available to read now. Find out the latest news around the school and upcoming events.
Principal’s Comments
QBS Has Talent
Cricket Teams
Splash Swimming Event – June 11th
PTA News
Principal’s Comments
Key dates for Term 3
Please click here
Key dates for next week
- Wednesday the 14th of June – Year 6 Graduation Lunch and Meet 2017/2018 Teacher
- Thursday the 15th of June – Year 5 Games Day
- Friday the 16th of June – Music Concert
Over the last couple of weeks a group of keen Year 5 girls have organised a QBS Talent Show. Everyone has been encouraged to join in the fun. The auditions have been taking place during breaks. The finalists performed in this week’s in the whole school assembly. We even had some special guests from Sha Tin Junior School appear at assembly too. Unfortunately the stories you may hear about me dancing in a Darth Vader costume with some Stormtroopers are correct!
We have had students out representing QBS in cricket and at the ESF aquathon this week. I am pleased to inform you that our students were great ambassadors for our school and gave their best in some very hot conditions. I look forward to seeing students compete in the Hong Kong Primary Aquathon on Saturday at KGV.
On Tuesday evening the QPS PTA hosted parents for a viewing of the documentary called Screenagers. It seemed to be well-received by families. I hope it assists families in their discussions at home about managing life with mobile devices and considerations about the importance of balanced access to screen time. Please see below in this newsletter some additional resources on these topics for families.
Celebration of Learning Day
Please remember we are looking forward to inviting parents into school on the 23rd of June for our Celebration of Learning day. Please click here for information of the event and how to book.
QBS Has Talent
At QBS today we had a special assembly celebrating a range of talents such as singing, martial arts, playing instruments, dancing and magic! This event was enjoyed by all and it was fantastic to see the children showing really bravery and confidence in front of the whole school. The children were also treated to seeing some dancers from Shatin Junior School perform and some QBS teachers showing off their talents which included fancy cartwheels, hockey skills, dancing and the staff rock band. The talent show was organised and the idea of a group of dedicated Year 5 girls: Stephanie, Kayleigh, Harshita, Nicole, Sophie and Maeve. Congratulations on taking action and organising such a successful event! (Miss Hill)
Cricket Teams
Over the last 2 weeks our cricket teams have been competing in a couple of inter-school tournaments. Our first tournament was held at Happy Valley with the team managing to qualify for the inter-school competition with a last bowl victory over Bradbury school.
This week we selected a young but talented group of players for the finals tournament in which we competed in the bowl. After losing the first match against DBIS, the team then produced back to back victories against Beacon Hill and Sha Tin Junior. In the final a narrow loss to Clear Water Bay School meant a 4th place finish. We look forward to seeing the team develop over the next couple of years as many of these players are in year 3, 4 and 5.
A big thank you to Mr. Glencross who has been coaching the boys every Tuesday over the last 2 terms in preparation for the tournament. We are lucky to have so many talented cricket players at QBS.
On Tuesday our PTA showed the movie “Screenagers” to a group of parents and Year 6 students. The movie tackled the important topic of the challenges faced by children growing up in the digital age and was well received. We will be sharing the reflections and strategies of parents and students relating to managing media use in a future newsletter. In the meantime, parents may find the following web pages useful.
Common Sense Media
Gateway – e-safety resources (Gateway Login Required)
Internet Awesome by Google
Splash Swimming Event – June 11th
Please click here to view the details about a swim event which your child may be interested in this weekend.
PTA News
PTA Shop
Shop Hours and Closure:
The PTA Shop will change operation hours for the rest of this term till further notice:
- Tuesdays & Wednesdays: 8:00am – 11:00am
- Thursdays: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
[The office will assist to collect any pre-orders and payments for uniforms. You will be contacted by the Shop Supervisor once your order is ready for collection.]
- The PTA Shop will be closed in the last week of school for our year-end audit from 26th to 30th June 2017.
School Buses
School Bus Applications – Next Academic Year 2017/2018
- The deadline date for submission of School Bus Applications is closed.
- All incomplete applications will be returned this week to parents for completion.
- All re-submissions of completed applications and payment will be processed from date of second receipt, and will be processed on a first-come, first serve basis, provided seats are available.
- All submissions of application forms will be treated on first-come, first-serve basis.
- All late applications – after 5th May 2017 will be subject to a $100 administration charge.
- All cheques of current date will be banked in commencing 23rd May 2017 till end June 2017.. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover the payment.
(All returned/bounced cheques are subject to $100 administration charge.)
Confirmation of bus status and receipts will be sent to all bus riders before the end of this academic year.
Term 3 After School Activities & Change of Bus Travel Arrangement
Unfortunately we still have many parents who do not inform the PTA if their child/ren have after school activities or a change in afternoon travel arrangements on the buses. The above results in a delay in departure of the buses from school, while the PTA staff, principals, teachers and staff of the school are looking for the missing students.
We therefore request your cooperation to notify us before 12:30pm on a normal school day, and 10:00am on an early school closure day, for any change in the travel arrangement of your child. This procedure is imperative and in the best interest and safety of your child.
(Parents are requested to inform PTA via email at as well as copying the message to the class teacher/school before 12:30pm.)
Feedback or Suggestions
If you have any feedback or suggestions you would like to make for our events or services provided, please email them directly to: Your email will be received directly by our Chairman, who will reply to you at the earliest available moment.
We request all parents to support a greener environment by BYOB “bring your own bag” when you come to purchase items from the shop.
[With immediate effect the PTA Shop will no longer provide any shopping bags].
Please contact us on 2566 4242 (ask to transfer to PTA), or 2887 1004 for further queries, or by email to, during operation hours.
“Click here for PTA Office and Shop Operation”