The School Day

Below are the general timings and events of a school day at Quarry Bay School followed by some additional information.
Full class timetables will be made available via Qoodle.
School gates open @ 7.45am and 2.40pm. The school day starts at 8.10am and ends at 2.40pm.

Soft start. Students will make their way to classrooms to prepare for the day.

Start of the school day.  All students need to be in classrooms and attendance will be taken.

 Learning Block 1

Learning Block 2

Snack break

Learning Block 3

Learning Block 4

Lunch break

Learning Block 5

Learning Block 6

End of the school day.

Students are taken to school buses or are picked up by caregivers.
Some students remain at school to attend after school clubs (see the Clubs page for more details)
Please ensure students are collected promptly after school.


Students have a ‘homeroom’ teacher who delivers most of the class lessons (Maths, Language, Unit of Inquiry – See the Learning at QBS page for more curriculum information).
In addition, students have daily Mandarin lessons, one PE, and one Expressive Art lesson per week. These lessons are taken by specialist teachers.
Students also visit the Learning Centre once per week to borrow books and may have lessons with the Teacher Librarian as part of their Unit of Inquiry.
ICT is used as a tool for learning and teaching, where appropriate, in all curriculum areas. The specialist ICT teacher will deliver lessons alongside the class teacher as needed.


Students bring their own snacks to school.
Snack and lunch are eaten in the classrooms.
Quarry Bay School promotes ‘healthy’ eating as part of a balanced lifestyle. We would also prefer students minimise waste by using reusable containers.
Please remember that QBS is a nut-free school and is respectful of food allergies for some children.
Please check with your class teachers before supplying birthday cupcakes in case of dietary intolerance.
Lunches can be brought to school in a named container.
Since September 2023, QBS has been working with an external provider, Zebratasty. The lunch boxes are prepared off-site daily and delivered to classrooms before lunchtime. You do not need to order every day to enjoy this service.
If you would like to enrol in the Hot Food Lunch Service, please register and order online directly with Zebratasty by following the link Please contact Zebratasty directly by phone (T: 3565 4120) or by email ( should you have any question or further request.


QBS uniform can be ordered directly from
Quarry Bay School students proudly wear their uniform. This is an expectation.

It is always pleasing to see the students so well presented in their uniform as it fosters an ethos of high standards in our school community.

Uniform Shoes

PE Uniform


PE Kit

Summer Uniform

Summer Uniform P2

Please remember the following:

– ‘Play tattoos’ should not be worn to school – please ensure they are removed.
– Wristbands from events (eg sporting events, amusement centres/parks) should not be worn to school as accessories – please ensure they are removed.
– Socks need to be visible and not hidden below ankles so it appears no socks are being worn at all.
– PE kit requires white trainers – coloured trainers are not uniform attire.
– Black school shoes are worn with uniform.
– Hair accessories are to be blue or black.
– A QBS hat is mandatory for outdoor play.

Please visit the PTA page for information about purchasing school uniforms.