Newsletter 23/2016-17
Quarry Bay School’s latest newsletter is available to read now. Find out the latest news around the school and upcoming events.
Principal’s Comments
QBS Term 2 Clubs
ESF Sports and Language Spring Camps
PTA News
Principal’s Comments
Key dates for Term 2
Please click here
Key dates for this week
- 13th to 17th March – QBS Book Week
- Thursday the 16th of March (after school) – Parent Teacher Consultations
We have had a fun start to the week. Everyone enjoyed the Book Character Dress Up Day to launch QBS Book Week. There were some very creative costumes this year. QBS was taken over by playing cards from Alice In Wonderland which kept the Queen of Hearts very happy. Thank you to all families for supporting the costume preparation at home. The effort was greatly appreciated and added to the spirit of the day. Encourage your child to look at Qoodle to find out what is happening at QBS during book week. Please take a look at the LMT Blog for some photos of the dress up day.
I was proud of the QBS Running Team on Saturday. All students gave their best effort in the race at Discovery College. Thank you to all the parents (and staff) for making the effort to be ready for running bright and early on Saturday.
On Friday night the ESF Primary Choral Concert will take place at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium. The QBS Choir have been working very hard to prepare for this performance. I am looking forward to seeing the students participating in the concert.
Please be reminded that Parent Teacher Consultations will continue this Thursday afternoon. Appointments will teachers commence from 3.00pm. Thursday is a normal school day this week for students.
QBS Term 2 Clubs
The QBS Academic Clubs have already finished on the 10th of March.
The QBS Sport Clubs will end on the 24th of March.
Below is a list of some clubs that will have make up sessions.
Please make sure you tell your children and also inform the PTA
- Arts and Crafts- 15th March
- Scratch – 14th March and 21st March (lunch time)
- Hockey- 23rd March and 30th March (not make up last session)
- Cricket- 14th March (not make up last session)
- Y3/4 Drama- 23rd March
ESF ED Services and Private club will end the week of the 24th of March
ESF Sports and Language Spring Camps
PTA News
Upcoming PTA Events
Term 2
- Readathon: 27th February – 20th March, 2017
Term 3
- Spring Disco (Years 1-4): To be confirmed
- Movie Afternoon (Years 5-6): To be confirmed
- New Year 1 Student – Induction Day: 2nd June, 2017
The PTA is looking-out for parents who would be interested to be event leaders for any of the above events, with assistance and guidance from PTA Committee and Staff.
If Yes, please contact us immediately on We will be happy to furnish you with all related details.
“Readathon 2017” – a Reading Marathon!
We are nearing the end of Week 2 of the Readathon, and have 1 more week to go! We hope that all QBS students have completed their reading now and have handed the forms to the teacher for sign-off!
Students will receive the signed forms from their teachers on Monday , 13th March or Tuesday, 14th March. Then it is time to collect all your sponsorships and ask parents to issue 1 cheque for the total amount.
The final deadline date for submission of all documents and cheque is: Monday 20th March 2017.
All cheques are to be payable to: “QBS PTA LTD”.
Please ensure your child’s name, class number and contact number is written at the back of the cheque. No cash please.
We look forward to declaring the winners of this year’s Readathon in the below categories…………
The “Readathon” Awards are:
- Top 3 Students – Lower School
- Top 3 Students – Upper School
- Top Class with Highest Consolidated Reading Time – Per Year Group
- Will receive: a) Pizza lunch for class students, teacher and EA; & b) $1000 Paddyfield gift voucher to order new classroom readers.
PTA Shop
Summer Uniform Available
- Summer uniform will be available for purchase commencing 28th March 2017.
- Updated order forms will be posted onto the website next week.
- Pre-Orders are welcome (all pre-orders can be collected after 28th March 2017).
School Buses
End of Term – Early school closure : Friday, 31st March 2017
- School will close at 12:00noon due to end of Term 2.
- School Bus Schedule for Early School Closure – click here.
- Change in Travel: all notification of change in travel of your child on this day is to be emailed to not later than 10:00am on 31st March 2017.
Change of bus travel arrangement:
We still have many parents who do not inform the PTA if their child/ren have a change in afternoon travel arrangements on the buses. The above results in a delay in departure of the buses from school, while the PTA and Senior Management of the school is looking for the missing students.
We therefore request your cooperation to notify us before 12:30pm of the day for change in travel arrangement of your child. This procedure is imperative and in the best interest and safety of your child. (Parents are requested to inform PTA via email at as well as copying the message to the Class Teacher/School before 12:30pm.)
Feedback or Suggestions
If you have any feedback, or suggestions you would like to make for our events or services provided, please email them directly to: Your email will be received directly by our Chairman, who will reply to you at the earliest available moment.
We request all parents to support a greener environment by BYOB “bring your own bag” when you come to purchase items from the shop.
[With immediate effect the PTA Shop will no longer provide any shopping bags].
Please contact us on 2566 4242 (ask to transfer to PTA), or 2887 1004 for further queries, or by email to, during operation hours.
“Click here for PTA Office and Shop Operation”