Newsletter 31/2016-17
Quarry Bay School’s latest newsletter is available to read now. Find out the latest news around the school and upcoming events.
Principal’s Comments
QBS Talent Show
ESF Summer Camps
PTA News
Principal’s Comments
Key dates for Term 3
Please click here
Key dates for next week
- Monday the 22nd of May to Friday the 26th of May – Year 6 InCAS
- Thursday the 25th of May and Friday the 26th of May – “Rumble in the Jungle” performance for Year 4 parents
- Friday the 26th of May – Year 6 Games Day
The Year 5 students hosted a very successful Museum Day on Thursday. The enthusiasm from the students was so pleasing to see. The students had worked extremely hard to research and present their findings in interesting and creative ways. I enjoyed spending the morning in Year 5 learning about a range of ancient civilisations and how they impact on the present. Thank you to all the Year 5 parents for showing such great support this week – you did an excellent job with your challenging questions for the students!
Unfortunately I was unable to be in two places at once on Thursday morning and missed an amazing session of Science with Year 6. Colleagues from SIS visited and ran a very successful Science workshop with the students. The teachers reported that the workshop was very engaging, hands on and interesting. Thank you to our SIS colleagues for their expert input with Year 6 students.
Teachers are busy making preparations for the writing of End of Year Reports. I urge all parents to minimise unnecessary absences from school due to holidays or extra curricular activities/interests as it may impact on important assessments. The QBS End of Year Report for your child will be posted to families on Wednesday the 21st of June. Please log into Gateway and ensure that your mailing address details are accurate by the end of May.
Parents are invited to attend the film Screenagers on the 6th of June in the QBS Hall. The QBS PTA is hosting this event. The film is a short documentary which examines the use of mobile devices and challenges faced by families managing technology with their children. Please click here to view the email which was sent to all parents this week. There are also details below in this newsletter.
I am looking forward to seeing the Year 6 students back at school next Monday after returning from their Beijing Trip. Mr Yao, Ms Ong and Ms Trethewy have been on this trip with the students. The travellers are due to fly back into Hong Kong very late on Friday evening. We have had regular updates from the group and some great photos of their adventures this week. I was particularly impressed to see the QBS drone in action on the Great Wall. Please take a look at Qoodle if you would like to see the drone photo taken of our students.
Have a restful weekend everyone.
QBS Talent Show
Some Year 5 students have decided to organise a QBS Talent Show. Do you have a talent you would like to share? Are you a singer, musician, gymnast, dancer or comedian? All talents welcome!
Key dates:
- Fri 19th May – Talent show entry form is open!
- Fri 26th May – Talent show entries are closed.
- Week beginning Mon 29th May – AUDITIONS
- Fri 9th June – QBS Talent Show (Whole School Assembly)
The talent show is open to all year groups and children must enter via Qoodle. Go to the main page of Qoodle and click on the talent show picture to access the entry form.
Good luck!
Miss Ceri Hill
ESF Summer Camps
PTA News
Upcoming PTA Events
Term 3
- Pizza Lunch: Re-scheduled (date to be confirmed)
- New Year 1 Student: Induction Day: 2nd June, 2017
- Movie “Screenagers”: 6th June 2017
Pizza Lunch
(Will be re-scheduled: date to be confirmed)
“New Year 1 Student” Induction Day!
(Coming up on 2nd June 2017)
Parent Volunteers:
We would like to request for parent volunteers to assist with the Induction Day of the New Year 1 students and parents, to welcome them to Quarry Bay School, and to assist and guide them with uniform ordering/collection and booking school bus service. Your assistance, guidance and support will “Make a Positive Difference”.
If you are interested and available from 8:00am to 10:30am, please do join and assist us for this important morning for the New Year 1 Students and Parents. Please confirm by sending us an email to on or before 25th May 2017.
[All communication should include: Your Child’s Name, Class No, Your Mobile No, and Email address.]
“Screenagers” – Movie screening!
(Coming up on: 6th June 2017)
Invite with the link to the application form has been emailed by school to you with details about the movie on Wednesday, 17th May 2017. We suggest that all parents, of students in all year groups, watch the film at least once.
The Award-winning “Screenagers” probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director’s own, and depicts messy struggles, over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through surprising insights from authors and brain scientists solutions emerge on how we can empower kids to best navigate the digital world.
You will also be given the opportunity to converse in a discussion period with other parents and staff after the screening with any concerns or feedback you may have. Please do not miss this opportunity and order your tickets now with the PTA!
Ticket price is $50 per adult ticket, and you can bring your child (over 10 years) and your domestic helper/carer both free of charge.
Deadline for ordering tickets is : Thursday, 1st June 2017.
PTA Shop
The PTA Shop will change operation hours for the rest of this term till further notice:
- Tuesdays & Wednesdays: 8:00am – 11:00am
- Thursdays: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
- 25th May – Drop off order only
[The office will assist to collect any pre-orders and payments for uniforms. You will be contacted by the Shop Supervisor once your order is ready for collection.]
School Buses
School Bus Applications – Next Academic Year 2017/2018
- The deadline date for submission of School Bus Applications is closed.
- All incomplete applications will be returned this week to parents for completion.
- All re-submissions of completed applications and payment will be processed from date of second receipt, and will be processed on a first-come, first serve basis, provided seats are available.
- All submissions of application forms will be treated on first-come, first-serve basis.
- All late applications – after 5th May 2017 will be subject to a $100 administration charge.
- All cheques of current date will be banked in commencing 9th May 2017 till end May 2017. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover the payment.
(All returned/bounced cheques are subject to $100 administration charge.)
Confirmation of bus status and receipts will be sent to all bus riders before the end of this academic year.
Term 3 After School Activities & Change of Bus Travel Arrangement
Unfortunately we still have many parents who do not inform the PTA if their child/ren have after school activities or a change in afternoon travel arrangements on the buses. The above results in a delay in departure of the buses from school, while the PTA staff, principals, teachers and staff of the school are looking for the missing students.
We therefore request your cooperation to notify us before 12:30pm on a normal school day, and 10:00am on an early school closure day, for change in travel arrangement of your child. This procedure is imperative and in the best interest and safety of your child.
(Parents are requested to inform PTA via email at as well as copying the message to the class teacher/school before 12:30pm.)
Feedback or Suggestions
If you have any feedback, or suggestions you would like to make for our events or services provided, please email them directly to: Your email will be received directly by our Chairman, who will reply to you at the earliest available moment.
We request all parents to support a greener environment by BYOB “bring your own bag” when you come to purchase items from the shop.
[With immediate effect the PTA Shop will no longer provide any shopping bags].
Please contact us on 2566 4242 (ask to transfer to PTA), or 2887 1004 for further queries, or by email to, during operation hours.
“Click here for PTA Office and Shop Operation”