Newsletter 35/2016-17
Quarry Bay School’s latest newsletter is available to read now. Find out the latest news around the school and upcoming events.
Principal’s Comments
Summer Music
QBS Aquathon
Mailing Address on Gateway
PTA News
Principal’s Comments
Key dates for Term 3
Please click here
Key dates for next week
- Tomorrow the 16th of June – Yearbook ordering and payment deadline
- Friday the 23rd of June – Celebration of Learning Day / End of Year Reports Live on Gateway 12:00 noon
This week we have been thinking about transitions. As we approach the end of the school year, events have been taking place to assist students with preparing for the changes ahead.
Yesterday, Year 6 students attended their graduation lunch. Students arrived at the hotel dressed up and excited, with big smiles on their faces. A fantastic meal was enjoyed by all and certificates presented to all students for their contribution to their class. A special thanks go to the PTA for their generous funding of the event.
Handover Day took place yesterday. Students were keen to find out which classes they would be in next year, and who their teachers would be. A welcome session was led by each of the teachers, with introduction videos sent in by those teachers joining QBS in the summer. There was a warm and positive atmosphere around the classes in the morning, and we look forward to seeing students settle into their new classes in August.
This Friday, we are looking forward greatly to our annual Music Concert, with many students from across the school performing. Thank you to all adults and children who have been working hard in preparation for the event. Also on Friday there is a coffee morning for those parents who will be supporting our ‘Grow Your Mind’ day in the final week of term. Thank you in advance to those parents who have agreed to support this event.
A reminder – all students should have a raincoat to be worn in the event of wet weather. We do not encourage students to bring in umbrellas as these can be problematic at busy arrival / dismissal times.
Celebration of Learning Day – Booking deadline Monday 19th June
Please remember we are looking forward to inviting parents into school on the 23rd of June for our Celebration of Learning day. Please click here for information of the event and how to book.
Summer Music Concert
QBS is alive with music! Tomorrow (Friday 16th June) the QBS music clubs are looking forward to performing in their Summer Music Concert. This will involve children from Year 1-6 who have joined and taken part in these clubs: Junior choir, Year 5 recorders, Year 4 recorders, Alto recorders, Ukulele club, Rock Band and Orchestra.
Miss Hill
QBS Aquathon
Throughout term 3 we have had a dedicated group of athletes who have been improving their fitness in swimming and running to compete in a number of aquathon events. Aquathon is an event in which children are required to swim 250m and run 1km as fast as they can. The QBS teams have raced at West Island School, Kellet Kowloon and King George V school. We have some very talented athletes and were delighted to finish in the top 10 teams in the season finale at KGV with over 25 other teams in competition.
QBS clubs will finish this week and ESF and Private clubs the following week (19-23 June).There will be some make up clubs . Here is the list:
- QBS Magic Science 21st June
- QBS Table Tennis 21st June
- ESF Football 26th June
- ESF Netball 26th June
- ESF Gymnastics 26th June
- Film Making 26th June
- ESF Basketball 27th June
- Starlit Drama 27th June
- Science Adventures (Active Kids) 27th June
Mailing Address on Gateway
The end of year 2017 report will be posted to you soon, please make sure your mailing address is correct on the Gateway, to submit any demographics information change, login to Gateway and click on ‘Student Demographics> Family Information’ and then submit change. The changes will be reflected in your account within the next 2 working days.
If you have any problems you can contact me at
PTA News
PTA Shop
Shop Hours and Closure:
The PTA Shop will change operation hours for the rest of this term till further notice:
- Tuesdays & Wednesdays: 8:00am – 11:00am
- Thursdays: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
[The office will assist to collect any pre-orders and payments for uniforms. You will be contacted by the Shop Supervisor once your order is ready for collection.]
- The PTA Shop will be closed in the last week of school for our year-end audit from 26th to 30th June 2017.
School Buses
Celebration of Learning Day – 23rd June 2017
There will be no school buses operating on this day.
12 noon school closure – 30th June 2017
School will be closing for the summer break at 12:00noon.
School Bus Applications – Next Academic Year 2017/2018
- The deadline date for submission of School Bus Applications is closed.
- All incomplete applications will be returned this week to parents for completion.
- All re-submissions of completed applications and payment will be processed from date of second receipt, and will be processed on a first-come, first serve basis, provided seats are available.
- All submissions of application forms will be treated on first-come, first-serve basis.
- All late applications – after 5th May 2017 will be subject to a $100 administration charge.
- All cheques of current date will be banked in commencing 23rd May 2017 till end June 2017.. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover the payment.
(All returned/bounced cheques are subject to $100 administration charge.)
Confirmation of bus status and receipts will be sent to all bus riders before the end of this academic year.
Feedback or Suggestions
If you have any feedback or suggestions you would like to make for our events or services provided, please email them directly to: Your email will be received directly by our Chairman, who will reply to you at the earliest available moment.
We request all parents to support a greener environment by BYOB “bring your own bag” when you come to purchase items from the shop.
[With immediate effect the PTA Shop will no longer provide any shopping bags].
Please contact us on 2566 4242 (ask to transfer to PTA), or 2887 1004 for further queries, or by email to, during operation hours.
“Click here for PTA Office and Shop Operation”