23 Jun 2017

Newsletter 36/2016-17

Quarry Bay School’s latest newsletter is available to read now. Find out the latest news around the school and upcoming events.

 Principal’s Comments
 QBS Summer Music Concert 2017
 Year 1 Action
 Grow Your Mind Day – Clothing
 Mailing Address on Gateway
 PTA News

Principal’s Comments

Key dates for Term 3

Please click here

Key dates for next week

  • Tuesday the 27th of June – End of Year Reports Live on Gateway 12:00 noon / Reports posted to parents
  • Wednesday the 28th of June – Grow Your Mind Day
  • Thursday the 29th of June – Year 6 Graduation Assembly
  • Friday the 30th of June – End of Term (School Closure at 12:00 noon)

We are quickly approaching the last week of term and reflecting on the past year seems to be in our minds.The children are excited about their new classes and are making connections with their teachers for next year. The Year 6 students are full of anticipation and excitement as they go into their last week of primary school.

This week, Year 5 students enjoyed a cultural dance session on Tuesday morning, enjoying sessions on Mongolian Dance and also the Haka, a Maori ceremonial war dance. We also enjoyed a student-led assembly from the Year 6 children who visited Beijing recently. They gave us a very entertaining whistle-stop tour of their week, which they clearly enjoyed greatly.

Thank you to everyone who has attended today’s Celebration of Learning. This is an important event in the QBS calendar, and very much valued. We hope that the various engagements shared by the students gave parents an insight into some of their recent learning.

Looking forward, on Wednesday 28th June we are holding our first Grow your Mind Day which has been organised by the PSPE team.The whole school will be involved in different activities and experiences that continue throughout the day.The PTA have generously funded the picnic snack and lunch for the parent volunteers. We have had so many parents volunteer to be a part of the day and a big thank you to all those involved.

The Year 6 students are holding their leavers assembly on Thursday 29th June at 1.45pm in the hall. All parents of the Year 6 students are invited to attend.

All QBS students will be receiving an end of year report which will go live on Gateway on Tuesday 27th June at 12.00. Please access these reports as they are an important part of the schools assessment procedure which informs parents of the progress of their child.

Friday 30th June is the last day of term and end of school for this year.Traditionally we have a Crazy Hair Day on the last day of school, where everyone celebrates by coming to school with wild and crazy hair. Along with crazy hair, the students may wear free dress on the final day of the school year also. School will close at 12.00 on Friday 30th June.


QBS Summer Music Concert 2017

QBS had a fantastic Summer Music Concert last week which involved over 200 children, singing, playing recorder, performing in the Orchestra and entertaining us with the Rock Band. The event was very enjoyable and it was great to see all the children’s hard work and commitment to the music clubs at QBS. There is a display of all the performing groups outside the Expressive Arts rooms, please come and have a look if you can. (Miss Hill)

Year 1 Action

Last Friday our Year Ones enjoyed a Den Day fundraising for Save The Children. We joined in with schools around the UK to raise money for building equipment for families affected by natural disasters mainly in Nepal and the Philippines.

We raised an amazing $4800!

If you would like to see us in action please visit the Year One blog http://qbsyear12016-17.blogspot.hk/

Well done Year One!

Grow Your Mind Day – Clothing

Dear Parents,

Please note that for the Grow Your Mind Day on Wednesday the 28th June, your child should wear their P.E. kit. They will take part in activities that will involve them moving around and being active.

Kind Regards
The Grow Your Mind Day Team

Mailing Address on Gateway

The end of year 2017 report will be posted to you on Tuesday 27th June , please make sure your mailing address is correct on the Gateway, to submit any demographics information change, login to Gateway and click on ‘Student Demographics> Family Information’ and then submit change. The changes will be reflected in your account on Monday at 9am and the address labels will be printed then.

If you have any problems you can contact me at ken.lee@qbs.edu.hk.

PTA News

School Buses

12 noon school closure – 30th June 2017

  • School will be closing for the summer break at 12:00 noon.
  • Please refer to the bus schedule – 12 noon closure.
  • Please ensure you are at the stop in advance of the drop off time to collect your child..

School Bus Applications – Next Academic Year 2017/2018

  • The deadline date for submission of School Bus Applications is closed.
  • All incomplete applications will be returned this week to parents for completion.
  • All re-submissions of completed applications and payment will be processed from date of second receipt, and will be processed on a first-come, first serve basis, provided seats are available.
  • All submissions of application forms will be treated on first-come, first-serve basis.
  • All late applications – after 5th May 2017 will be subject to a $100 administration charge.
  • All cheques of current date will be banked in commencing 23rd May 2017 till end June 2017.. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover the payment.
    (All returned/bounced cheques are subject to $100 administration charge.)
  • Confirmation of bus status and receipts will be sent to all bus riders before the end of this academic year.

PTA Shop

Shop closure:

The PTA Shop will be closed commencing next week for the year-end audit and summer holidays: From 26th June to 30th June 2017.

Shop re-open:

The PTA Shop will open from:

  • 8th August to 11th August 2017: from 9:00am to 12:00noon.
  • 14th August – onwards: Normal shop operating hours will commence.

Feedback or Suggestions

If you have any feedback or suggestions you would like to make for our events or services provided, please email them directly to: ptasuggestions@qbs.edu.hk. Your email will be received directly by our Chairman, who will reply to you at the earliest available moment.


We request all parents to support a greener environment by BYOB “bring your own bag” when you come to purchase items from the shop.

[With immediate effect the PTA Shop will no longer provide any shopping bags].

Please contact us on 2566 4242 (ask to transfer to PTA), or 2887 1004 for further queries, or by email to pta@qbs.edu.hk, during operation hours.

“Click here for PTA Office and Shop Operation”