Newsletter 3/2017-18
Quarry Bay School’s latest newsletter is available to read now. Find out the latest news around the school and upcoming events.
Principal’s Comments
Class Schedules 2017/2018
Parent Volunteers at QBS
Medical Room- Medicine
HKSMSA Chinese Speech competition 2017
Expressive Arts News
Polite Request – End of Day / Umbrellas
Student Health Centre/ Dental Centre Forms
Audition – South Island School NIGHTFEST
ESF Sports & ESF Language & Learning Term 1
PTA News
Principal’s Comments
Key dates for Term 1
Please click here
Key dates for next week:
- Year 4 InCAS
- Year 1 PIPS
- Thursday the 7th of September – Year 5 Camp Parent Evening
Last week we said thank you and farewell to two of our long serving site staff. Ah Ha and Ah Ching had both worked at Quarry Bay School for 27 years. These wonderful ladies gave outstanding service to our community and we will miss them. I would like to personally express my gratitude to Ah Ha and Ah Ching for the constant care and attention they have shown to students and staff. I cannot remember a time when these colleagues didn’t approach their work with professionalism, have a smile for all of us and a good solution to a problem which needed prompt attention. Everyone at Quarry Bay School wishes Ah Ha and Ah Ching a happy retirement and all the best for the future.
Thank you to all parents for supporting the Mandarin Information night last week. It is hoped this session gave parents a better understanding of what learning looks like in Chinese lessons. Should parents have any queries about Chinese please contact your child’s teacher or Ms Katie Trethewy (Curriculum Coordinator).
The Parent Teacher Consultation bookings are open in the Gateway. These consultations are 1 to 1 meetings with your child’s teacher. All parents are encouraged to attend. Please click here to read the previous information about these consultations and their purpose.
Last week you have received some important emails for your reference:
- Welcome Back to QBS presentation slides
- Important Information Learning Technologies Notices
- Important Information about secondary transfer (Year 6 parents only)
- QBS class timetables (please see below)
We were so pleased to welcome parents into school for the volunteer information session last Friday. Parental involvement is valued in our school and we were overwhelmed by the number of parents attending this session. Thank you for your continued support and assistance.
Class Schedules 2017/2018
Class schedules are now available for you to view on Gateway. You can access your child’s schedule by clicking here.
The schedules show specialist and class lesson times. Please note the following:
- English: this is time allocated to reading, writing, speaking & listening and viewing & presenting.
- Maths: this will also include mental maths practice.
- UOI: this is Unit of Inquiry learning time. As a PYP school, the learning is transdisciplinary and therefore these sessions may incorporate; the visual and expressive arts, ICT, circle time/wellbeing activities, independent inquiry time, science, information literacy, reading, writing, maths.
Our curriculum approach is flexible and responsive to students needs, therefore schedules may change to respond to this.
Kind regards
Curriculum Coordinator
Parent Volunteers at QBS
Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help in school last Friday morning.The meeting was very successful and we were overwhelmed at the positive response, so much so there was a shortage of forms. Please click here to ensure that you read and complete the correct form.
To reiterate some points around the confidentiality and necessary completion of the Volunteer Self Declaration Form. It is now a requirement from ESF, with regard to safeguarding of children that all parent volunteers need to complete this, even if you have volunteered previously at QBS.
Please complete the form, enclose a copy of your ID card and return the hard copy to school, either through your child’s diary or directly to the office.
The class teacher or specialist will be in touch with you by email to suggest the most suitable times for you to come into school.
Thank you again for the great turn out and support for QBS.
Medical Room- Medicine
Parents have been updating the Medical information on the gateway.
If on the Gateway you have stated your child needs an asthma puffer or any other type of medicine it must be available for any emergency in the Medical Room with Nurse Delia.
Please note your child will attend school field trips throughout the year and if we do not have the medicine they will not be able to attend the trips.
HKSMSA Chinese Speech competition 2017
There is an opportunity for your child to have experience in public speaking using Putonghua. We are able to help you with the registration for this event. Parents will need to provide training for their child and bring them to the competition ground which is during the school day.
If you would like to sign your child up for the Chinese Speech Competition, please submit the entry form along with the cheque payable to : Quarry Bay School. The entry cost for each category is $115. Do indicate student’s name, class and your phone number on the back of the cheque. Please submit the forms to the Chinese Department. Note that the last date of submission is Tuesday 12th September 2017. Thanks.
Entry Forms
Competition Materials
- Year 1
- Year 2-6 Boys Solo Chinese Poem
- Year 2-6 Boys Solo Chinese Prose
- Year 2-6 Girls Solo Chinese Poem
- Year 2-6 Girls Solo Chinese Prose
Expressive Arts News
The standard of singing has been amazing during the ‘solo’ auditions last week and it has been very difficult to choose who will sing in the final showcase. Results for the solo category is available from Monday 4th September during snack time (10am). The children will need to meet in my room. (Miss Hill)
This week sees THE VOICE GROUP AUDITIONS 4th Sept – 8th Sept. Please click here to find the audition timetable for the GROUP auditions.
Ms Ceri HILL
Lead Teacher of the Expressive Arts
(Music, Dance and Drama)
Polite Request – End of Day / Umbrellas
Please could all students and collecting adults be reminded that using umbrellas is discouraged at QBS. At the end of the day Hau Yuen Path is very busy and umbrellas can cause obstruction and be dangerous. All students should have a QBS raincoat in their bags and wear this in the event of rain. Thank you for your support.
Student Health Centre/ Dental Centre Forms
All the Year 2-6 children have been given the forms for the 2017-2018 Student Health centre and Dental Centre Government Forms.
If you would like to register your child to this service please complete the form and return it to Nurse Delia. Please remember if you enrol in the dental scheme there is a $20 charge and it needs to be submitted with the form (cash only)
The deadline will be Monday 4th September. No late forms will be accepted.
Audition – South Island School NIGHTFEST
South Island School is celebrating it’s 40th Birthday at our whole school PTA event soon. We are currently seeking for talented youths and groups to join our live entertainment program of the night. All forms of entertainment are welcome.
- Performing Date: 24th November, 2017
- Auditions: 16th and 17th September
- Venue: South Island School, 50 Nam Fung Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong (details to be followed)
- Time: 10:00am-5:00pm
*We will try to accommodate your preferred date and/or time as much as possible
If for any reason you cannot make it to those dates, you can always send in a video submission of your audition to
Please click here to sign up!
Feel free to contact us if you have any questIons. We look forward to seeing you at the auditions!
Sincerely yours,
Zara, Grace and Jocelyn
Student Head Team – Entertainment
South Island School NIGHTFEST 2017
ESF Sports & ESF Language & Learning Term 1
PTA News
12th September 2017 – Parent Teacher Consultation Day:
The School will close at 12:00 noon to facilitate Parent/Teacher Consultations. The school buses are scheduled to depart from school by approx. 12:10pm. Please click Bus Schedule-12noon School Closure for bus timings for the day.
All notification for Change In Travel Plans for 12th September have to be emailed to before 10:00am to enable us to notify the relative departments concerned.
All late notifications will not be accommodated and parents/carers will be requested to collect students directly from the school bus outside the school by informing the bus mother in person.
- Shop Hours: The PTA Shop will not be operating normal shop hours due to staffing issues.
Parents and Students are requested to drop off your orders in the drop box with the payment. You will be contacted to collect your orders as soon as they are ready.
We are urgently looking for Bus Escorts / Bus Mothers to take care of the students, and ensure safe and disciplined travel, to and from school daily.
- Salary Scale : depending on route confirmed.
- [The job entails approx. 1 hr in the mornings and 1 hr in the afternoons)
- Please send in all your application to:
Feedback or Suggestions
If you have any feedback or suggestions you would like to make for our events or services provided, please email them directly to: Your email will be received directly by our Chairman, who will reply to you at the earliest available moment.
We request all parents to support a greener environment by BYOB “bring your own bag” when you come to purchase items from the shop.
[With immediate effect the PTA Shop will no longer provide any shopping bags].
Please contact us on 2566 4242 (ask to transfer to PTA), or 2887 1004 for further queries, or by email to, during operation hours.
“Click here for PTA Office and Shop Operation”